Before And After Of Breast Augmentation
Before Breast Augmentation:
- Have your primary care physician run the complete blood tests if your plastic surgeon doesn’t recommend it. This will help to prevent any potential complications caused by anesthesia or antibiotics.
- Exercise and eat right. A healthy body recovers from surgery faster and more easily than an unhealthy one. Also, you’ll want to strengthen your back and stomach muscles to help support the new weight on your chest.
- If you’re not a back-sleeper, practice.
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- Begin a regular and heavy moisturizing routine on your breasts at least two months prior to surgery. This will help you skin retain and recover moisture and elasticity during and after the surgery.
- If you don’t have someone to take care of necessary household chores while you recover, take care of them before undergoing breast augmentation. Water any plants, pay any bills, buy microwaveable foods, fill the car up with gas. Clean the house, if that’s important to you. Bring food and supplies (toilet paper, for example) to chest level so you don’t have to bend over or reach above your head to get anything; you won’t be able to.
- Even if you do have someone to take care of household chores, take care of personal chores: wax your armpits and your legs. You won’t be able to lift your arms for a while and you may have a hard time maneuvering around your new chest to shave your legs. Plus, it may hurt.
- Plan your wardrobe so that you only have comfortable, loose-fitting, attractive clothing to wear for a week or two after. You will not be able to put your arms over your head to remove clothing and it will hurt to wiggle into tight clothes.
- Remove all nail polish from your nails. Doctors will look at your nails to determine if there are circulatory problems caused by the anesthetic.
- Stop taking aspirin and ibuprofen – blood thinners – two weeks prior to surgery.
- Ask your doctor about Cordran Tape (surgical tape containing cortisone) to help reduce swelling and scarring. Also ask about pain and anti-nausea prescriptions.
- Take “Before Pictures.”
- Designate a “helper” if you don’t have a supportive spouse or significant other.
After Breast Augmentation:
- Follow your post-operative instructions.
- Know the signs of infection and be aware of them. Contact your doctor immediately if you suspect or detect them. This is good advice for as long as you have implants. They can be prone to infection.
- It is normal to experience post-operative depression, it should pass in a few weeks. Keep a journal, books and entertainment materials on hand.
- It is common for one side, usually your dominant side, to be higher, firmer, and more painful. It is also common for the nipples and breasts to be uneven or in unexpected locations at first. Don’t freak out. Wait a month or so until you start examining your breasts for a job well done.
- You may hear gurgling or creaking noises. That is just the breast settling. Don’t freak out.
- For the first day or two, you will be an infant. Have someone help you bathe and dry off, dress and undress (including to go to the bathroom), and feed you.
- There will be blue surgical markings on your breasts. They will come off after a couple washings.
- You may not feel like eating, and even if you do, you may not be able to stomach solid, bulky food. Buy liquid drink meal replacements or supplements to maintain proper nutrition.
- If you have them, send the children away for at least two days. Same goes for dogs and any other large, non-self-sufficient pets.
- Other than taking prescribed pain medication or laying face up on a heating pad, do not fight the pain. That will only make it worse. You will hurt, a lot, usually more in the morning than later in the day. Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen for the pain for up to two weeks.
- Freeze ice packs in or over a round container, then place them inside your support bra to help with pain and swelling.
- Don’t be surprised if you are constipated after surgery, many people are. Take a stool softner.
- Take “After Pictures.”
- If you have doctor approval, sit in a Jacuzzi. It will help with pain. Otherwise, take hot, shallow baths.
- Keep plenty of extra pillows around to help you get out of bed. It will be hard to do and painful the first few weeks. You may prefer to sleep in a lounger the first few nights. Also keep pillows under your arms for support.
- Drink lots of water to reduce bloating. The bloating is caused by surgical and bodily fluids migrating from your chest to the rest of your body.
- Drink from a long straw to avoid having to lift your arms the first few days.
- A back scratcher is useful for scratching hard to reach locations (they will all be hard to reach first) and for reaching things out of your arm range.
- Heating pads are for sore backs. Do not put them on your breasts.
- Cosmetic cotton squares placed over your nipples can relieve irritation from surgical bras. It helps to keep your nipples moisturized.
- To wash your face and brush your teeth, use facial cleansing pads and dental gum.
- Wait at least a month before buying new bras.