Chia Seeds for Weight Loss and Healthy Digestive System
Many people might be looking for the information about Chia seeds for weight loss. Some call the seeds the ‘miracle seed’. It is because they are loaded with Omega 3, omega 6, Fiber, anti-oxidants and many other vital nutrients. This wonderful gift from nature offers a variety of opportunities to improve your overall health and well being.
This wonderful gift from nature offers a variety of opportunities to improve your overall health and well being.
It has been said that they are one of the most powerful, functional, and nutritious superfoods in the world! They are an excellent source of fiber, full of protein, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and the richest known plant source of omega-3. Everyone from children to senior citizens can benefit from the wonderful nutritional qualities of the seeds.
The miracle Chia seeds for weight loss and re-hydration of your body
How it works is that the seeds when soaked in water for awhile the shell opens and takes in the water. This makes it 9 times more swollen in size as the water makes the seeds turn into gel form. This gel helps with the re-hydration of the body and it’s 90% soluble fiber. Being the soluble water helps improve your digestive track and maintain its health.
Sports people or athletes may benefit greatly from the seeds as they do contain twice as much of protein than any other grains. Moreoever, it provides 5 times more calcium than milk, and boron which is needed to move calcium into your bones. The essential oils such as omega 3 and 6 in the seeds are also great for joint and cardiovascular health.
All of these are abundant in the seeds and provide great nutrients to consumers.
Chia Seeds Weight Loss Testimonials
Another great thing about them is when they take in water and turn themselves into gel, the gel can form a wall between your body and carbohydrates. This is great for diabetic patients as this function allows the body to slowly release carbohydrates into the body controlling sugar levels. It’s no wonder why people who want to lose weight can also benefit from the seeds greatly.
Dieters and people who count on chia seeds for weight loss, love the seeds because it can be added to any food or drink in a ratio of 75% to the volume of food or drink and will not change the taste. Because the carbohydrates are released slowly you will get the feeling of being full. Many use the seeds as a way to control their appetites and use them to stay full longer and re-hydration.
We Might Not Be as Healthy as We Think We Are!
It has been estimated that sixty-four percent of male adult individuals and seventy-two percent of females in the country are either obese or weighs more than the recommended weight for their body structures.
Disproportionate weight and obesity can result in various types of heart ailments with varying severity as well. It is highly unfortunate that this has now been emphasized as the leading cause of death in the country in tandem with other physiological conditions such as diabetes mellitus and heart disease.
Because of the ill-effects of being overweight, no person wishes to be fat. A lot of people believe that their choices of food and daily consumption are healthy for them. However, the truth of the fact is that a typical person engages in dietary regimens that are not as nutritious as they think.
We love Mamma Chia Organic Chia Seeds, Click to get it from iHerb
Since this is a reality, fast food restaurants are also adding in numbers and have gained increasing customers on a daily basis. It is less tedious to just buy a burger meal or grab a pizza and everyone’s good to go. Planning and preparing more nutritious meals take up a lot of time and energy. At least that’s true for a lot of people.
Benefits of Chia Seeds for Weight Loss
- Nearly perfect protein/carb ratio High in Omega 3 fatty acids
- Great for weight loss support
- Gluten-free
- Trans-fat free
- Sugar-free
- High in fiber and protein
How to Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss in Your Foods
The seeds are easy to include in your everyday diet and mix into different foods as they lack any taste or smell. Plus, their biological properties cannot be destroyed by heat which makes it easy for you to use them in many of your favorite recipes.
A quick way to take it to add more fiber and nutrients in your daily diet is adding one teaspoon stirred into a glass of water and take it before meals.
Are there any side effects from taking the seeds?
There have been no reports regarding their side effects. With that said, it is worth noting that when you prepare the seeds that you buy from your local health store, it is important to have the right preparation. Soaking the seeds in the water long enough before consumption is necessary as to prevent the adverse effect (constipation, colon blockage, etc.)
Where Can You Buy Chia Seeds?
Chia Seeds From Mamma Chia, 100% Organic Whole Salvia Hispanica Seeds
The more chia seeds weight loss reviews you read the more interesting it gets. The benefits of these seeds were discovered during the ancient times and they were mainly used as energy boosters. Nowadays, this product remains popular among the locals of Guatemala and Mexico.
They believe in its nutritional value and the significant health benefits the product provides. Its carbohydrate content has thirty-eight percent is soluble and insoluble fiber.
Furthermore, it has also been known that Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed is very convenient to incorporate in one’s daily meals, busy or not. Even if it goes through cooking and heating processes like baking, it will not be less nutritious. It can even be simply added to simple meals like sandwiches, pastas, shakes, fruit drinks, among others.
This product is excellent in reducing weight as well as maintaining it since a spoonful of the seeds only has 41.25 calories.
This fact reduces one’s chances to develop diabetes, Mellitus, cardiovascular disease, constipation, and diverticulitis. It is recommended that individuals consume twenty to thirty-five grams of fiber daily.
However, an average person is able to consume only ten to fifteen grams of fiber in a day. Aside from chia seeds, other foods that can supplement one’s source of fiber are whole vegetables and fruits, grain-based food items, cereals, and beans.
The seeds may be strong and robust, it may be better to prevent cooking the stuff with severe heating.
To conclude, for those of you who want to improve their health and maintain it, ought to try this product that may be obtained from iHerb. Chia Seeds and weight loss go hand in hand when you put them into your regular diet.
CLICK Here to Start Losing Weight and Get Your Health Back with Mamma Chia Organic Chia Seeds NOW