Legendary ChiyoMilk is a Living Proof that Natural Breast Enhancement Works!
Many of you who have faith in natural breast enhancement must have heard of Chiyomilk from natural breast enhancement forums or from yahoo answers.
Last summer, I happened to have come across her name while having a chat with a friend from Thailand, and we were just talking about people who have grown their breast sizes using natural breast enhancement remedies.
The photos are taken from busty.jugem.jp
Let me say it again that this woman did not get breast implants.
This is all hers and yes it happened by applying the massage technique and the use of the herbs. I will cover the routine that
Chiyomilk reveals on her blog below.
The Supplements That Chiyomilk uses:
- Ladies Pueraria 99% – a high-quality Pueraria Mirifica from Japan (If you want to buy the high-quality Pueraria Mirifica at 1/3 of the price of Ladies Pueraria 99%. This product is quite pricey ((¥ 17,600 or USD 160 for 60 tablets).
- Alternatively, I recommend you go for Puerafem , which is a high-quality Pueraria Mirifica which costs reasonable
- Whitex – pig placenta + hyaluronic acid
- Super B-UP Drop – herbal breast enhancement formula. This product that Chiyomilk uses is USD100 for one month supply. I recommend Total Curve breast enhancement program for the very similar blend at one-third of the price.
=> Click here to read Total Curve <=
- Nano Collagen – Collagen supplement (Amazon offers a good price of Premium Nano Collagen Drink Bottle Anti-aging 10 set)
What Chiyomilk does is she’ll take the Pueraria 99% (which is a high-quality Pueraria Mirifica extract) on her follicle days of the month and switch to B-Up Drops and (pig placenta) on luteal phase.
How do you determine the follicle and luteal phase of the month? Study the picture below.
And every day Chiyomolk will do the brushing massage assuming that she moves the fat from belly, back and arms to the breast area. This technique is to be combined with the use of Bradelis bra to keep the fat in place (collected in the breasts).
You can see many massage techniques that she uses on her youtube channel (the link is at the end of this post).
So this is what I mean. It is not too good to be true to grow your breasts dramatically with no surgery. All it takes is knowledge, dedication, and patience. It took her 2 full years to grow more than 3 cup sizes but it’s all worth it, don’t you agree?
More about Chiyomilk:
Blog – http://busty.jugem.jp/
Youtube channel – http://www.youtube.com/user/chiyomilk|
Good discussion on Chiyomilk and her routine – http://www.breastnexus.com/archive/index.php/thread-8294-1.html
Have you tried Chiyomilk’s brush massage technique? Have you seen success? Share with us or join our conversation here! Leave the comments below!