Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation

Fat Grafting: the Newest Option?

fat grafting breast

Learn about this latest potential method to enhance your breasts. The idea of transferring fat from the places you do not want (thighs, stomach and buttocks) to where you want it – such as the breasts- is not a new idea. But it is becoming more widespread since it requires no strange objects being put into a patient’s body, hence less complications and downtime.

Is Fat Grafting Safe?

Fat grafting used to be a technique used in breast reconstruction. In 2007, the European Society of Plastic Surgeons stated a caution on the use of this technology, because it looked as though it may interfere with breast cancer detection. There were also fears that the transferred fat cells do not survive (which makes the effect only temporary). But in 2011 it was found out by ASP (http://www.surgery.org/) this type of breast augmentation did not interfere with cancer screenings. “There were no major changes in breast density after lipo-modeling. Perhaps most importantly, it does not become more difficult to perform or interpret follow-up mammograms in breasts that have undergone the procedure”, the ASPS says  in the statement.

Some risks associated with breast augmentation by fat injection are:

  • Lumps due to small amounts of fat reabsorbed by the body
  • Calcification or hardening of the injected fat
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fat embolism, which occurs when some fat breaks off and travels through the body obstructing a blood vessel

How It Works

breast fat grafting

The surgeon takes the fat from those stubborn areas of the body (the place where it is hard to lose fat), which means that cells are more diet-resistant and have a better chance of surviving, even after drastic weight loss.

The process begins with basic liposuction to get rid of the fat in the places you do not want it. But the surgeon must take special care not to disrupt fat cells. Then the fat cells are put through a process of purification before it can be injected into the breast tissue.

Your surgeon will probably walk you go through a process to get your breast tissue ready to accept the fat (for example using a special suction device for a few weeks before surgery).

Surgeons have figured out how to perfect the technology, not only for breast reconstruction, but also more specifically for breast enhancement. It is important to understand that fat grafting breast augmentation may not correlate with implants: results are subtle (one cup size is generally the most growth you see).

before and after fat grafting

before and after fat grafting 2

And although many surgeons have had good luck with the lasting of the results, it is not a guaranteed permanent solution. Fat grafting augmentation only works if the fat cells injected into the breast survive and integrate into your body.

When to consider it

Fat grafting breast augmentation might be a good solution for women looking for a modest increase in breasts, and do not mind minor pain with small surgery, mainly to avoid the potential risks or side effects that may go along with the implants. This technique can help restore some fullness to the breasts after breast feeding, even out the breast, and fill in areas that have changed with a lumpectomy or breast reconstruction.

It is also something to consider getting in addition to implants, especially if you have a little of your own breast tissues already. In these cases, fat grafting really softens the look of your implants.