Why Green Tea Effects Your Metabolism

Increasing metabolism is one of the most important steps taken to speed weight loss. This amazing beverage has been shown to increase metabolism and is commonly found in many weight loss and fitness formulas. There are several ways to ingest Green Tea, ranging from liquid drinks to supplemental form. Many find that the best way to take green tea is by choosing herbal supplements, minerals, or vitamins that have Green Tea as an added ingredient.

weight loss benefits in green tea

Water and caffeine have been known, for many years, to increase metabolism and increase weight loss. Drinking plenty of water each day is still one of the best steps you can take to ensure maximum health. It is also widely revered for its ability to speed metabolism, thereby increasing weight loss. The benefits of drinking water are vast and you’ll find that you can improve your energy simply by increasing your fluid intake. The results are even more dramatic if you’ve been dehydrated. Many health programs recommend that you drink plenty of water in addition to taking the supplements and training you are performing.

Caffeine is known for its fat burning properties as well. Caffeine encourages the body to release fat from fat cells, and the added water that you drink will ensure that your body flushes the fat away. Studies have shown that caffeine in limited amounts is very beneficial to the body, and can play an important role in weight loss and fitness. It’s important to determine how much caffeine you can consume before feeling jittery, but for many people that limit can be as high as 300 milligrams.

Green Tea may have caffeine or be decaffeinated. When added to supplements, you’ll often find it alongside caffeine. Drinking green tea is a good way to get your water needs met as well as enhance your metabolism. In addition to green teas thermogenetic properties, it is also a plant polyphenol, or a particular form of bioflavonoid. Plant polyphenols are phytochemicals that are powerful antioxidants. There is no doubt that Green Tea provides many benefits.

Green tea helps detoxify the body, has anticarcinogenic qualities, helps reduce cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, and also helps to establish a strong, healthy heart, lowering the risk of heart disease. Green Tea has also been shown to extend the period of thermogenesis for a greater length of time than other thermogenetic formulas. By choosing supplements that contain Green Tea as well as caffeine, you can make certain that you are increasing your metabolism and effectively burning fat.


Koutea is the new weight loss product in the form of tea. Click here to read more about Koutea

Want to know what some of these words mean?

  • Thermogenesis – is the process of heat production in organisms.
  • Anticarcinogenic – is any chemical which reduces the occurrence of cancers, reduces the severity of cancers that do occur, or acts against cancers that do occur.
  • Bioflavonoid – group of compounds obtained from the rinds of citrus fruits and involved with the homeostasis of the walls of small blood vessels.
  • Polyphenol – a group of chemical substances found in plants, characterized by the presence of more than one phenol unit or building block per molecule.
  • Phytochemical – are plant-derived chemical compounds that have health-promoting properties.


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