Maca Pills Won’t Increase Your Butt Size Unless You Do This!!
Maca Supplement and Increasing Butt Size
There are many natural ways for us girls to get the bubble butt without dangerous, painful, and costly implants and surgeries. Like always, I don’t recommend anything synthetic if I can avoid it.
So butt injection is not my most preferred option and that is not what this article is about.
After all, there are far too many unfortunate incidents of those who underwent the process only to find themselves with severe inflammation, side effects, and death from buttock injections!!
Have you heard about Maca pills for bigger buttocks?
If you’ve heard of it and what it can do, you are about to get even more excited about this.
Traditionally, the herb is used by body builders to help add more muscle gain and also by many people as aphrodisiacs. But how is it supposed to help you with buttock enhancement? Here are several factors you need to take into account when you want to add volume and firmness to your rear.
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Put on some weight, it does not have to be a bad thing!
Don’t let the media or whoever it is trick you into being scared of the concept of putting on weight.
It is now the time you get used to the idea (which is the truth that) muscle mass weighs more than fat. And if you have more muscles (more toned body) you burn more fat, become stronger, and look better.
So in short, having a fit and attractive body means adding more muscles (weight). This will result in more curvy and womanly body.
Usually, you should be on a diet that is high in calories.
But before you get misled by this statement:
It does NOT mean eating a lot of junk food. It is best to consume high-calorie foods that are also high in protein.
You can try and eat high protein food but there is also supplement such as protein powder that can make the process a bit easier.
It all depends on ; if you have the time to cook healthy high protein food, that’s wonderful.
If you want it to be quick and convenient, use the supplement. This can be taken with the Maca root supplement fo a bigger bum.
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Maca supplement +foods and diet plans for nice round buttock
It is true what they say about you are what you eat, and what you eat determines the way you (and your butt) looks.
Maca root supplement combined with good fats and enough protein will do wonders to your health and physical appearance.
But before you rush to the local store to buy the herb, finish this article first.
Here’s why…
The key to eating your way to bigger butt is the consistency. You need to watch what you eat; eat the right food at the right portion, while getting enough of the right exercises.
Eating high protein is a must when it comes to maintaining the muscles…
CLICK HERE to Find out what Maca Root Is Right For You!
With that, you need to do the right kind of exercises. What I mean by the right exercise is you don’t want to focus on cardiovascular exercises (running, jogging, jumping rope, that kind of things that gets your heart rate up).
Instead, you want to focus on strength training, and weight lifting moves that focus on your gluteal muscles. (Don’t worry! We got you covered. Just keep reading down the page.. )
Maca has different effect on different people
If you want to enhance the butt size naturally with Maca, bear in mind that people are different from one another. It may work for you however it may also not work so well on the others.
The important thing is to mix it with different types of phytoestrogen herbs. One recipe can work better on a person than the other.
Some girls have had better results with certain brands than others. You might have to try various brands to determine which will work best for you. In addition, the herb is available in pill, liquid and powder forms.
Exercises That You Need to Be Doing to Grow Your Glutes
The Maca Root Supplement
The supplement promises to;
- Help your body store fat in the right places (butt cheeks and hips)
- Help your body grow muscles faster which supposedly means perky buttocks
- Help your body lose fat from the unwanted areas; so your curves are more defined
- Help increase metabolism and improve overall health
“I have already written a review how the maca powder helped with the symptoms of hot flashes. Now I also have noticed that my hair has stopped falling out. At first I did not want to admit it to myself. Whenever I would give my hair a good brushing I noticed quite alot came out on the brush/bathroom floor. I told myself, well that’s probably a normal amount to lose when you brush it. However now I have noticed after several months of about 3 teaspoons a day (divided doses) of the maca powder that there is virtually no more hair loss. I sure am grateful. Thank you again for this product that has been so very helpful.” Sincerely, Laurie Prince Chippewa Falls, WI.
“I have noticed a remarkable different in my hair and skin since starting the red maca. I am very pleased and I will continue to purchase this product.” – JoAnn
“Thank you so much for sending me such an amazing product! The taste is great i see results in less than a week! I feel great and my hormones my skin everything feels better and looks better thank you so much i been buying this product for 8 months now and i dont plan to stop” – Abigail Magdaleno
Using Maca in additions to other supplements
Bottom line is this:
Many people who have success with buttock enhancement with Maca see the best results with Red Maca.
It is not recommended to mix Maca with other strong phytoestrogens like Pueraria Mirifica because something can reverse the effects.
(for example, having too much estrogen will make you estrogen predominant and make you skip cycles and mess up your hormonal imbalance.)
Are you taking birth control pills?
Taking Maca might cause lower the efficiency of your birth control pills or injection.
You should be aware that this herb is a natural aphrodisiac. Some websites claim that maca can increase your fertility.
If you do not plan to get pregnant, ensure that it is not nullifying the effects of your birth control. Speak with your healthcare professionals regarding this.
Ready to Get More Curves with the Help of Organic Maca?
CLICK HERE to Get Started Today!
Body Cleansing (Detox) and Time offs
You should consider doing a cleanse first before you start using maca. In this way, you start with a clean slate. This is something you should do even if you do not intend to start taking it.
I recommend to my readers to do a juicing detox for a week before getting started on any kind of program whether it’s Chiyomilk or just regular starters’ program.
The same thing goes with using the supplement; do a raw food diet or juice fasting for 3-7 days before you do this, and your body will thank you for it. It’ll show on your skin your hair and the success in this as well.
Just like getting started with natural breast enhancement programs, it is recommended that you take some time off from taking the herb.
If you fail to do this, your body might adapt to it and it may no longer produce the desired effects.
For example, you can take it for a month and take a week break or take it during the weekdays and rest during the weekends.
Whichever method you adopt, ensure that you take a few days off if you plan to use it continuously.
The Right Kind of Exercise for Bigger Buttocks
Certain workouts make you lose body fat and if your goal is to get bigger and more bubbly buttocks, you might want to avoid those moves or routines.
With that said, here’s a video clip on the right workouts to combine with Gluteboost or Maca supplements for fast-enhancing effects on your butt.
Always keep a journal and investigate
It is important that you always investigate the possible negative side effects of any product that you plan to take.
Before you start using any product, you should always get a good understanding of what it is you are about to get into. Speak with your healthcare professional about it to ensure that it will not harm you.
Patience, Determination, and Consistency
You need to be very patient. If you are currently very thin, do not expect significant changes overnight. Keep busy by engaging in other activities to help keep your mind off the results.
Apart from being patient, you will have to be completely dedicated and consistent. You might not obtain the desired results if you are always taking your supplement at different times or forgetting to take it at all. You should do everything you can to ensure that you take this herb consistently.
Possible Other Effects from Taking Maca
(These side effects may or may not appear)
* Increased libido
* Heavier/lighter menstrual cycle (Some ladies might experience delayed or early menstrual cycle)
* More energy
* Drowsiness
* Increased hunger
* Better looking skin
* More bowel movements
* Gas
* Stronger nails