Effects of Progesterone on Breast Enlargement

Progesterone is a sex hormone produced at the time of ovulation. It works together with another hormone, estrogen, to keep healthy and capable of reproducing female.

Progesterone and estrogen have an impact on breast tissue and breast size.

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Credit photo to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progesterone

During a typical 28-day menstrual cycle, progesterone plays a key role. After menstruation and ovulation, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum, the ovum recently released, and remains elevated for about 14 days.

It is also called luteal phase, this time with the high progesterone affects the way a woman feels during the days prior to menstruation and its ability to nourish and protect the newly fertilized egg.

Low levels of progesterone can result in a shortening of the luteal phase, which means that the fertilized egg does not have time to implant in the uterus before the coating is thick and rich as the detached period.


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In addition, low progesterone can cause symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), including headaches, bloating, mood swings and depression.

Progesterone also causes the temperature of the body at rest or basal temperature remains elevated during the luteal phase complete.


Progesterone causes fluid retention that make breasts swell and become bigger. Progesterone levels are at their peak at mid-cycle, when you ovulate. Estrogen is another hormone that causes breast tissues to grow.

How it works

Progesterone instructs the breast tissue is stretched to lead to increased fluids in the body occurs at certain times in your menstrual cycle.

Read our related post: Hormones and breast growth


Progesterone also grows the cells that produce milk in the breast, which can result in larger breasts, according Womenandinfants.org

Breasts are composed of lobules and alveoli and these develop due to progesterone. The alveoli are hollow cavities covered by milk secreting cells and bind in groups called lobes. Each lobe has a duct that drains into openings in the nipple.

mammary glands in women

What else is Progesterone good for?

It helps relieve the symptoms of menopausal symptoms and discomfort.

As women age and reach the menopausal stage of life, suffer a marked decrease in the production of hormones.

This leads to a hormonal imbalance, creating estrogen dominance and leading to a number of unpleasant symptoms such as hot flushes and menstrual irregularities.

While these symptoms may be harmful or unpleasant, many women try to avoid the side effects of traditional hormone replacement therapy using natural progesterone cream.

When used correctly, this cream can alleviate many symptoms of menopause and help regulate the menstrual cycle. The following is a basic guide to the use of natural progesterone cream during menopause.

Things to Take into Considerations

Negative side effects of extended use of the cream with progesteroona include hair loss, weight gain, facial hair, depression or fatigue. To make sure you stay healthy, it is important to get enough rest, eat fresh vegetables and fruits and avoid stress as much as possible.

Natural Progesterone Cream

Natural cream has been suggested that the natural one made of herbal ingredients is safer for long-term use than the synthetically formulated one. Learn more about the progesterone cream and our recommended natural progesterone cream click here.

Or click here to learn more about different types of breast enlargement creams on the market.



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