Category Archives for "Transformation Male to Female"Howdy Sisters,
Thought you’d be interested in knowing that I have had all the possible obstacles a trans-gender could get.
Tell me all about them. I love to become a woman and aspired to look like one for years.
But, like what people always say, love is pain. I’ve been trying to have this “Transformation Male to Female” operation using products which I’ve thought could somehow help me in hiding my masculinity.
I doubted a bit but, nevertheless, I still had my butt working as I invested for them. I’ve spent a lot, I should tell you.
I’ve used products like wigs, artificial breast and hip forms and other body shaping apparels.
Those were used for male to female transformations worldwide and, like them; I thought that it was all that it takes to transform this man into a woman. It should be satisfying because they had provided me an instant cross-dresser look however they have not given me further instructions on how to cross-dress the right way.
Before, I have also tried visiting different blogs and websites that contain guidelines about cross-dressing but I’ve never found anything I don’t know. Almost every information are very common that everyone is doing it and part of that group weren’t really achieving their goal at all.
After all these efforts, I still end up appearing like an awful woman trying hard to show off using a man’s body. I got ridiculed a lot.
Passing as a woman became one of the most significant thing for me because I wanted to be treated with respect and I want to keep that dignity in myself like nothing could ever take it from me.
I have never thought that I could get out from those nightmares. I prepared myself to live my life that way. Until, something very sensual speeds up in front of me like an awakening call. It’s totally the MOST RELIABLE SOURCE when it comes to cross-dressing information.
It made me realize that all these expensive femininity stuffs that I have bought will all be just wasted beautifying products of a man in drag if I don’t know the complete tactics on how to have a successful male to female transformation.
So stay tuned as we have the new section for male transformation to female coming up here on this blog. I hope you find what we have to offer here useful!
Best wishes,
Michelle Diaz